Indiana (cont.)
Polk, Harriet b. circa 1833
Poor, Elizabeth b. circa 1830
Pope, Amy Ellis b. 1889, d. 1982
Price, Esther b. circa 1828
Price, E___ W___ b. circa 1834
Price, Ira J b. 1818, d. 1877
Price, Larkin b. 1791, d. 1856
Price, Louisa b. circa 1827, d. 1912
Price, Melanchthon b. circa 1830, d. 1866
Price, Miranda J b. 1832, d. 1911
Price, Van Renssalaer b. 1836, d. 1921
Price, Wanda b. circa 1835
Price, William b. circa 1828
Prince, Oliva G b. circa 1894
Purdue, Pruit Jarrett b. 1843
Pyke, Benjamin Frank b. 1872, d. 1922
Pyke, Gertrude b. 1903, d. 1977
Queen, Walter b. 1882, d. 1973
Ramsey, David b. circa 1832, d. circa 1865
Reed, Alfred b. circa 1815
Reed, Della b. circa 1874
Reed, James S b. circa 1866
Reed, John A L b. circa 1863, d. 1924
Reed, Magdailey b. circa 1870
Reed, Miller b. circa 1868
Reed, Nora b. circa 1877, d. 1925
Reel, Charles W b. circa 1846
Reel, Jacob J b. circa 1836
Reel, Mary E b. circa 1838
Reel, Sarah Rebecca b. 1855, d. 1922
Reel, Thomas A b. circa 1841
Reel, William H b. circa 1843
Reel, Zachariah G b. circa 1850
Reeves, Albert b. circa 1841
Reeves, Angeline b. circa 1831
Reeves, Charlotte b. circa 1837
Reeves, Elizabeth Ann b. circa 1845
Reeves, Francis M b. circa 1833
Reeves, Freelove b. circa 1847
Reeves, George W b. circa 1828
Reeves, Margaret b. circa 1843
Reeves, Sarah E b. circa 1835
Rhoades, Truman Wesley b. 1862, d. 1917
Rice, Ida B b. 1864
Richards, Amanda b. circa 1843
Richey, Bellmer B b. 1893
Richey, Carroll H b. circa 1902
Richey, Fern b. 1892
Richey, Francis b. circa 1904
Richey, Joseph J b. 1865, d. 1935
Richey, Raleigh b. 1890
Richey, Ralph b. 1895
Richey, Raymond b. circa 1907
Richey, Ruth L b. 1898
Ridenour, Alonzo b. circa 1857
Ridenour, David b. circa 1849
Ridenour, Franklin b. circa 1853
Ridenour, James b. circa 1862
Ridenour, John b. circa 1838
Ridenour, Lucretia b. circa 1855
Ridenour, Mary b. say 1843
Ridenour, Nathaniel b. circa 1857
Ridenour, Sarilda b. circa 1841
Ridenour, Thomas b. circa 1851
Rider, Anna b. 1869
Riecken, George Louis b. 1904, d. 1957
Ritchel, Charles b. 1868
Ritchel, Charles O b. 1895
Ritchel, Edward R b. 1897
Ritchel, Ina b. 1892, d. 1985
Roberts, Medora A b. circa 1860
Roberts, Thomas b. circa 1832
Robinson, Sarah Ann b. 1840
Robson, Richard P b. 1840
Rowe, George D b. 1828, d. 1914
Rowe, Henry b. circa 1857
Rowe, Julia E b. circa 1836
Rowe, Louisa b. circa 1839
Rowe, Mary A b. circa 1834
Rowe, ___2 b. between 1820 and 1824
Rusk, Adam E b. 1881
Rusk, Amos b. circa 1839
Rusk, Anderson b. 1825
Rusk, Ann E b. circa 1857
Rusk, Anna J b. circa 1868
Rusk, Arthur L b. 1896
Rusk, Baltis B b. 1856
Rusk, Belle b. circa 1872
Rusk, Caroline E b. 1850
Rusk, Charles b. circa 1851
Rusk, Charles S b. 1873
Rusk, Clyde b. 1892
Rusk, David b. circa 1831
Rusk, David b. circa 1833
Rusk, David L b. circa 1848
Rusk, Dott A b. 1889
Rusk, Earl H b. 1895
Rusk, Earl J b. 1888, d. 1964
Rusk, Elam b. circa 1870
Rusk, Elizabeth b. circa 1825
Rusk, Elizabeth b. 1841, d. 1922
Rusk, Elizabeth E b. circa 1847
Rusk, Emily b. circa 1849
Rusk, Frank b. 1885
Rusk, Harry B b. 1875, d. 1913
Rusk, Harry M b. circa 1902, d. 1977
Rusk, Harvey C b. 1865, d. 1937
Rusk, Hazel D b. 1892
Rusk, Homer E b. 1888
Rusk, Isaiah b. circa 1833
Rusk, James A b. circa 1844
Rusk, Jesse O b. 1883
Rusk, Jessie M b. 1890
Rusk, Joan b. 1836, d. 1927
Rusk, John b. circa 1847, d. 1899
Rusk, John A b. circa 1848, d. 1917
Rusk, John N b. circa 1835
Rusk, John T b. 1879
Rusk, Julia b. circa 1905, d. 1979
Rusk, Laura b. circa 1855
Rusk, Laura E b. 1887
Rusk, Leonard B b. 1889
Rusk, Louisa Frances b. 1862, d. 1934
Rusk, Lucy E b. 1887
Rusk, Margaret b. circa 1828
Rusk, Margaret b. circa 1829
Rusk, Martha b. circa 1842
Rusk, Mary b. circa 1897, d. 1928
Rusk, Minnie E b. 1895
Rusk, Minor b. circa 1895, d. 1977
Rusk, Nancy A b. circa 1837
Rusk, Nettie b. circa 1874
Rusk, Olive J b. circa 1859
Rusk, Orestes b. 1877
Rusk, Rilda J b. 1882
Rusk, Samuel G b. circa 1843
Rusk, Sarilda J b. circa 1835
Rusk, son2 b. circa 1834
Rusk, Susannah b. circa 1829
Rusk, Vance b. circa 1831
Rusk, William E b. 1899
Rusk, William James b. 1872, d. 1955
Rusk, William Jr. b. circa 1836
Russell, Elizabeth b. circa 1830
Rutherford, Nancy Anna b. 1868, d. 1929
Saum, John b. circa 1870
Scearcy, Mary b. circa 1822
Schnabel, Katherine b. circa 1896
Schuler, Stella H M b. circa 1897
Seavers, Emma b. circa 1873
Seely, Permelia b. 1831, d. 1911
Seevers, Abby Anna b. circa 1862
Seevers, Henry b. circa 1852
Seevers, James b. circa 1851
Seevers, John H b. circa 1858
Seevers, Mary E b. 1856, d. 1924
Seward, Lizzie b. 1866
Shaw, Orris b. 1918, d. 2010
Sheer, Mary b. circa 1856
Shelton, James E b. circa 1862
Shotts, Ira Augustus b. 1854, d. 1914
Shotts, Johanna b. 1886, d. 1964
Shotts, Ralph b. 1898, d. 1978
Shotts, Ruth Pauline b. 1898, d. 1971
Shrode, Ezekiel b. circa 1838
Shrode, Francis Jr. b. circa 1835
Shrode, Henry b. circa 1820
Shrode, Isaac b. circa 1819
Shrode, Rebecca b. circa 1835
Shrode, Sally b. circa 1832
Shrode, William b. circa 1823
Simms, Reginald L Jr. b. circa 1924, d. 1960
Simpson, Aileen M b. 1920, d. 2003
Simpson, America M b. circa 1853
Simpson, America Malinda b. 1831
Simpson, Charles Brady b. 1881, d. 1972
Simpson, Elijah S b. 1861, d. 1934
Simpson, Elizabeth S b. circa 1842
Simpson, Ethel Levella b. 1894
Simpson, James b. 1821, d. 1885
Simpson, James T b. circa 1857
Simpson, Mary M b. circa 1848
Simpson, Mary M b. circa 1855
Simpson, Nancy b. circa 1822
Simpson, Nancy b. circa 1850
Simpson, Rachel L b. circa 1851
Simpson, Sarah b. 1791, d. before 1861
Simpson, Sarah Ann b. circa 1827
Simpson, Sarah Elizabeth b. 1844, d. 1921
Simpson, ___6 b. between 1835 and 1840
Sirles, Mary A b. circa 1817, d. 1897
Skeeters, Daniel P b. circa 1831
Skeeters, Granberry b. circa 1841
Skeeters, James W b. circa 1845
Skeeters, Lucy A b. circa 1859
Skeeters, Martha b. circa 1829
Skeeters, Mary J b. circa 1853
Skeeters, Nancy b. circa 1837
Skeeters, Rebecca b. circa 1855
Skeeters, William b. circa 1857
Skeeters, Willis R b. circa 1832
Skelton, Ellen "Nellie" b. 1843, d. 1928
Skelton, Jacob b. circa 1848
Skelton, James William b. 1866, d. 1948
Skelton, John b. circa 1840
Skelton, Martha b. circa 1847
Skelton, Mary b. circa 1845
Skelton, Polina J b. circa 1852
Skelton, Ralph b. circa 1842
Skelton, William L b. circa 1832
Smith, Allie b. circa 1847
Smith, Bee b. 1894
Smith, Bernard b. 1893
Smith, Elizabeth b. circa 1846
Smith, Elizabeth b. circa 1851
Smith, Emma C b. circa 1868, d. 1886
Smith, Ida b. 1874
Smith, John b. 1846
Smith, John b. circa 1852
Smith, Louisa b. circa 1856
Smith, Marion Franklin b. 1887
Smith, Mary Jane b. circa 1865
Smith, Matilda J b. circa 1854
Smith, Priscilla Jane b. 1865, d. 1955
Smith, Stephen b. 1848
Snyder, Francis b. circa 1858
Snyder, James B b. circa 1876
Snyder, Mary b. circa 1860
Snyder, Perry b. circa 1856
South, Archibald b. circa 1845
South, George W b. circa 1824
South, Mary E b. circa 1848
Spillman, Sarah b. circa 1847
Stallings, Elisha b. 1880
Stallings, John W b. 1857
Stephens, Charlotte b. circa 1847
Stephens, James E b. 1856
Stephens, Margaret b. 1813, d. 1873
Sterne, J C W b. circa 1828
Sterne, John b. circa 1803, d. 1864
Sterne, Margaret Jane b. 1830, d. 1910
Sterne, Samuel b. circa 1826
Stevens, George N b. circa 1862
Stevens, James Stephen (Rev.) b. 1817, d. 1879
Stevens, Oliver P b. circa 1867
Stone, Alma b. 1892
Stone, Edford C b. 1862, d. 1936
Stone, Helen b. 1897
Stone, Hobart b. 1897
Stone, Rory b. 1888
Stone, Talbert b. 1886
Stout, Amos b. circa 1811
Stout, Amos Daniel b. circa 1840
Stout, David W b. 1847, d. 1848
Stout, Harriet b. circa 1843
Stout, Jasper C b. circa 1856
Stout, Julia A b. circa 1852
Stout, Laura L b. circa 1850, d. 1854
Stout, Martha J b. circa 1845
Stout, Mary Florence b. circa 1847
Stout, Mary M b. circa 1839
Stout, Sarah E b. circa 1842
Stout, Thomas b. circa 1854
Stout, William H b. circa 1811, d. 1869
Stout, William Jr. b. circa 1851
Straughn, Admiral b. circa 1872
Sumpter, Mary E b. circa 1848
Sutton, Henry b. circa 1837
Sweeney, Nancy Ann b. circa 1838
Taylor, Malinda Jane b. circa 1841, d. 1877
Taylor, Sarah b. 1826, d. 1880
Tennison, Mary b. circa 1818
Tennyson, Emily b. circa 1865
Thomas, David b. circa 1826
Thomas, Emeline b. circa 1843
Thomas, George W b. circa 1868
Thomas, James b. circa 1833
Thomas, John D b. circa 1841
Thomas, Lucretia b. circa 1825
Thomas, Margaret b. circa 1835
Thomas, Mary J b. circa 1843
Thomas, Miles W b. 1858, d. 1943
Thomas, Sarah E b. circa 1838
Thomas, William b. circa 1831
Thomas, William b. circa 1839
Thompson, James B b. 1826
Tredway, Susan b. 1839, d. 1908
Tremper, Albert A b. circa 1869
Tremper, Carrie b. circa 1910, d. 1996
Tremper, Cecil Otto b. circa 1906, d. 1945
Tremper, Champion Edward b. 1879, d. 1922
Tremper, Charles L b. 1911
Tremper, Eleanor b. 1912
Tremper, Ellen b. circa 1877
Tremper, Eugene H b. circa 1852, d. 1936
Tremper, John F. b. 1907, d. 1992
Tremper, John J b. 1875, d. 1962
Tremper, Julia b. 1872, d. 1873
Tremper, Loren b. 1903, d. 1974
Tremper, Lulu b. circa 1878
Tremper, Mary b. circa 1879, d. 1896
Tremper, Michael b. circa 1856
Tremper, Olive Antoinette b. circa 1845, d. 1910
Tremper, Priscilla Addie b. 1873, d. 1918
Tremper, Robert Morris b. circa 1913, d. 1978
Tremper, Shirley b. 1887, d. 1892
Tremper, Vernon b. 1914, d. 1994
Tremper, William b. circa 1859, d. 1944
Tremper, William C b. circa 1874, d. 1939
Tuley, Clarence J b. 1884
Tuley, Delbert S b. 1891
Tuley, Elizabeth Jane b. 1823, d. circa 1851
Tuley, James b. 1887
Tuley, John b. circa 1838
Tuley, Lillian b. 1900, d. 1900
Tuley, Nancy L b. circa 1834
Tuley, Nina Oakes b. circa 1904
Tuley, Raleigh R b. 1878
Tullis, Eloise J b. circa 1910
Tullis, Katherine H b. circa 1903
Tullis, Muriel L b. circa 1907
Tullis, Thelma G b. circa 1914
Tullis, William Samuel b. 1869, d. 1933
Underdown, Manuel b. circa 1899
Underdown, Myrtle b. circa 1902
Underdown, Orilla J b. circa 1900
Utley, Bradford b. circa 1852
Utley, Elizabeth b. circa 1832, d. 1911
Utley, Gilbert B b. circa 1853
Utley, James H b. circa 1854
Utley, Job b. circa 1834
Utley, John b. 1859
Utley, Joseph b. circa 1867
Utley, Lucy b. circa 1850
Utley, Martha b. circa 1834
Utley, Martha b. circa 1845
Utley, Mary b. circa 1838
Utley, Perry b. circa 1864
Utley, Rachel b. circa 1841
Utley, Rebecca b. circa 1839
Van Cleave, Flora E b. 1863
Vandaveer, Esther J b. circa 1830
Vandaveer, James Jr. b. circa 1830
Vandaveer, Joseph W b. 1834, d. 1909
Varner, Julia K b. 1901
Wade, Delia Ann b. circa 1866
Wade, Effie b. circa 1873
Wade, Isaac b. circa 1842
Wade, James E b. 1858
Wade, James J b. circa 1872
Wade, John A b. circa 1874
Wade, Martha J b. 1867
Wade, Ode b. 1889
Wade, Ott b. 1891
Wade, Polly S b. circa 1862
Wade, William S b. circa 1878
Walker, Clarence b. 1888
Walker, Emil b. 1890
Walker, John F. b. 1859
Walker, Nolen b. 1892
Wallace, Ettie b. circa 1884
Wallace, Mary b. circa 1843
Walls, Flora b. circa 1886
Walls, Peyton b. circa 1876
Waltz, Sarah Ann
Ward, Albert F b. circa 1843, d. 1916
Ward, Alva M b. 1897
Ward, Avanelle b. 1889
Ward, Benjamin b. 1869, d. 1936
Ward, Blanche b. 1894
Ward, Ellen M b. 1880, d. 1930
Ward, Ethel b. 1888, d. 1931
Ward, Harold b. circa 1909
Ward, Viena Isadora b. circa 1841, d. 1919
Ward, Zachary Taylor b. 1850
Wargel, Francis V b. 1924, d. 1925
Wargel, Vincent J b. 1889, d. 1975
Wasson, Sally b. circa 1801, d. 1863
Watkins, America b. circa 1841
Watkins, Anna b. 1886
Watkins, Bessie b. 1900
Watkins, Clinton b. 1863, d. 1920
Watkins, Edith b. 1893
Watkins, Finch b. 1890
Watkins, James b. circa 1858
Watkins, Mandala b. circa 1848
Watkins, Minnie b. 1888
Watkins, Paul b. 1897
Watkins, Robert C b. 1895
Watson, Catharine b. circa 1854
Watson, Cynthia b. circa 1848
Watson, Dailey Washington b. circa 1847
Watson, Hayden b. circa 1845
Watson, Jane b. circa 1853
Watson, Louisa b. circa 1835
Watson, Malissa b. circa 1850
Watson, Mary b. circa 1843
Watson, Nancy Jane b. circa 1838
Watson, Olivia B b. circa 1862
Watson, Rachel b. 1858, d. 1912
Watson, Samuel S. Jr. b. circa 1840
Watson, Susan Genevieve b. circa 1835
Weidner, Mary Ann b. 1826, d. 1892
Weir, Charles b. circa 1861
Weir, Eliza J b. circa 1859
Weir, George R b. circa 1868
Weir, John b. circa 1839
Weir, John Hazel b. circa 1865
Weir, Malinda E b. circa 1856
Weir, Mary E b. circa 1847
Weir, Matilda J b. circa 1851
Weir, Samuel b. circa 1841
Wellborn, David A b. circa 1840
Wellborn, Elizabeth J b. circa 1839
Wellborn, Mary F b. circa 1848
Wellborn, Samuel N b. circa 1842
Wellborn, Sarah A b. circa 1845
Wentzel, John b. 1854
Wessel, Frederick b. circa 1898
West, Abaline b. circa 1867
West, Alonzo b. circa 1854
West, Angeline b. circa 1860
West, Euphenia b. circa 1856
West, Jacob C b. circa 1831
West, John b. circa 1863
West, Serena b. 1857
Whitecamp, William b. circa 1874
Wilder, Charles b. 1871
Williams, Amanda b. 1876
Williams, Charles C b. circa 1840
Williams, Ethel b. 1880
Williams, Frank P b. 1884
Williams, Genevieve M b. 1877
Williams, George b. 1880, d. before 1900
Williams, Grace E b. 1890
Williams, Henry M b. 1821, d. 1894
Williams, Herbert b. 1877
Williams, Ida May d. 1910
Williams, Irene Jane b. 1844, d. 1928
Williams, James C. b. 1856, d. before 1894
Williams, John C b. circa 1840
Williams, Josiah b. circa 1852
Williams, Mary b. between 1877 and 1878
Williams, Maud A b. 1874
Williams, Rachel E. b. 1852, d. 1885
Williams, Robert D. b. 1855, d. 1942
Williams, Ross McDonald b. 1879
Williams, Susannah b. 1847, d. 1899
Williams, W. C. b. 1868
Williams, W. W. b. 1870
Williams, William A. b. 1844
Williams, William D Jr b. 1881
Williams, William D. b. 1849, d. 1882
Wilson, Case b. 1896
Wilson, David b. circa 1843
Wilson, Franklin b. circa 1841
Wilson, James b. circa 1837
Wilson, Jane b. circa 1845
Wilson, Julie b. 1898
Wilson, Louisa b. circa 1839
Winemiller, Allen b. circa 1841
Winemiller, Elizabeth Ann b. circa 1846
Winemiller, Hester A b. circa 1848
Winemiller, Jacob b. circa 1816, d. 1876
Winemiller, Jacob b. circa 1839
Winemiller, Jane b. circa 1856
Winemiller, John b. circa 1834
Winemiller, Lewis b. circa 1850
Winemiller, Louisa J b. circa 1843
Winnings, Benjamin Linnaeus b. circa 1842
Winnings, Elizabeth M b. circa 1834
Winnings, Henrietta b. circa 1844
Winnings, Kate b. circa 1847
Winnings, Margaret b. circa 1837
Winterath, Olivia b. 1890, d. 1962
Wire, Charlotte b. circa 1836
Wire, Daniel b. circa 1852
Wire, David b. circa 1842
Wire, Elizabeth b. circa 1856
Wire, Emily b. circa 1843
Wire, Fernando b. circa 1838
Wire, Flora F b. 1894
Wire, George W b. circa 1846
Wire, Jacob Pressley b. between 1849 and 1850, d. 1913
Wire, Jesse b. circa 1832
Wire, John b. circa 1814
Wire, John b. circa 1848
Wire, Lawrence b. 1897
Wire, Martha H b. circa 1862
Wire, Mary b. between 1852 and 1853
Wire, Mary L b. 1886
Wire, Matilda b. circa 1847
Wire, Melinda b. circa 1854
Wire, Nancy b. circa 1858
Wire, Pressley b. circa 1861
Wire, Robert b. circa 1846
Wire, Sally b. circa 1840
Wire, Sophia b. circa 1834
Wire, Tilden b. 1877
Wire, William b. circa 1840
Wire, ___1 b. say 1888, d. before 1910
Wire, ___2 b. say 1890
Wolfe, Katherine b. 1851
Wolfinger, James Arthur b. 1880, d. 1965
Wood, Lewis Edwin b. 1853
Woods, David H b. circa 1833
Woods, Edgar b. 1878
Woods, George W. b. circa 1847
Woods, Joseph R. b. circa 1838, d. 1927
Woods, Mary M. b. circa 1835
Woods, Nancy A. b. circa 1849
Woods, Rebecca M. b. circa 1841
Woods, Sarah E. b. circa 1835
Woods, Silas D. b. circa 1831
Woods, Susanna S.J. b. circa 1844
Woodward, Charley b. 1879
Woodward, Harry b. 1876
Woodward, Mora b. 1888
Woodward, William b. 1883, d. 1969
Wormsley, Arsulla b. circa 1844
Wright, Benjamin F b. circa 1847
Wright, Daniel b. 1878, d. 1879
Wright, Elizabeth b. circa 1849
Wright, Emma b. circa 1877
Wright, Lydia E b. circa 1849
Wright, Mary b. circa 1845
Wright, Mary Lane b. circa 1805
Wright, Nancy Emma b. 1853, d. 1926
Wright, Wayne b. 1881
Wright, ____ b. 1875, d. 1875
Yaryan, Clara b. circa 1853
Yaryan, Emeline b. circa 1830
Yaryan, Homer T b. 1842, d. 1928
York, Alice B b. circa 1859
York, Ambrose H b. circa 1856
York, Dorsey Mc b. circa 1852
Young, Blanche b. circa 1889
Young, George W. b. 1846
Young, John T. b. 1844
Young, Nelson b. circa 1833
Zuspann, Albert b. 1895, d. 1962
Zuspann, Amelia Ann b. 1882
Zuspann, Lydia b. 1890
Zuspann, Raymond b. 1899
Zuspann, William b. 1884
_____, Amanda b. circa 1864
_____, Angie B b. circa 1876
_____, Ann b. circa 1817
_____, Anne b. circa 1853
_____, Berlissa b. circa 1819
_____, Clara A b. circa 1841
_____, Eliza b. circa 1814
_____, Elizabeth b. circa 1830
_____, Goldine b. circa 1885, d. 1969
_____, Laura B b. circa 1853
_____, Lula C b. circa 1883
_____, Mary b. circa 1828, d. 1894
_____, Mary b. 1848
_____, Mollie b. circa 1873
_____, Nancy b. circa 1835
_____, Nancy Ann b. circa 1830, d. 1899
_____, Susan b. circa 1826
_____, ____ b. say 1816, d. before 1846
_____, ____ b. say 1850, d. before 1880
Poor, Elizabeth b. circa 1830
Pope, Amy Ellis b. 1889, d. 1982
Price, Esther b. circa 1828
Price, E___ W___ b. circa 1834
Price, Ira J b. 1818, d. 1877
Price, Larkin b. 1791, d. 1856
Price, Louisa b. circa 1827, d. 1912
Price, Melanchthon b. circa 1830, d. 1866
Price, Miranda J b. 1832, d. 1911
Price, Van Renssalaer b. 1836, d. 1921
Price, Wanda b. circa 1835
Price, William b. circa 1828
Prince, Oliva G b. circa 1894
Purdue, Pruit Jarrett b. 1843
Pyke, Benjamin Frank b. 1872, d. 1922
Pyke, Gertrude b. 1903, d. 1977
Queen, Walter b. 1882, d. 1973
Ramsey, David b. circa 1832, d. circa 1865
Reed, Alfred b. circa 1815
Reed, Della b. circa 1874
Reed, James S b. circa 1866
Reed, John A L b. circa 1863, d. 1924
Reed, Magdailey b. circa 1870
Reed, Miller b. circa 1868
Reed, Nora b. circa 1877, d. 1925
Reel, Charles W b. circa 1846
Reel, Jacob J b. circa 1836
Reel, Mary E b. circa 1838
Reel, Sarah Rebecca b. 1855, d. 1922
Reel, Thomas A b. circa 1841
Reel, William H b. circa 1843
Reel, Zachariah G b. circa 1850
Reeves, Albert b. circa 1841
Reeves, Angeline b. circa 1831
Reeves, Charlotte b. circa 1837
Reeves, Elizabeth Ann b. circa 1845
Reeves, Francis M b. circa 1833
Reeves, Freelove b. circa 1847
Reeves, George W b. circa 1828
Reeves, Margaret b. circa 1843
Reeves, Sarah E b. circa 1835
Rhoades, Truman Wesley b. 1862, d. 1917
Rice, Ida B b. 1864
Richards, Amanda b. circa 1843
Richey, Bellmer B b. 1893
Richey, Carroll H b. circa 1902
Richey, Fern b. 1892
Richey, Francis b. circa 1904
Richey, Joseph J b. 1865, d. 1935
Richey, Raleigh b. 1890
Richey, Ralph b. 1895
Richey, Raymond b. circa 1907
Richey, Ruth L b. 1898
Ridenour, Alonzo b. circa 1857
Ridenour, David b. circa 1849
Ridenour, Franklin b. circa 1853
Ridenour, James b. circa 1862
Ridenour, John b. circa 1838
Ridenour, Lucretia b. circa 1855
Ridenour, Mary b. say 1843
Ridenour, Nathaniel b. circa 1857
Ridenour, Sarilda b. circa 1841
Ridenour, Thomas b. circa 1851
Rider, Anna b. 1869
Riecken, George Louis b. 1904, d. 1957
Ritchel, Charles b. 1868
Ritchel, Charles O b. 1895
Ritchel, Edward R b. 1897
Ritchel, Ina b. 1892, d. 1985
Roberts, Medora A b. circa 1860
Roberts, Thomas b. circa 1832
Robinson, Sarah Ann b. 1840
Robson, Richard P b. 1840
Rowe, George D b. 1828, d. 1914
Rowe, Henry b. circa 1857
Rowe, Julia E b. circa 1836
Rowe, Louisa b. circa 1839
Rowe, Mary A b. circa 1834
Rowe, ___2 b. between 1820 and 1824
Rusk, Adam E b. 1881
Rusk, Amos b. circa 1839
Rusk, Anderson b. 1825
Rusk, Ann E b. circa 1857
Rusk, Anna J b. circa 1868
Rusk, Arthur L b. 1896
Rusk, Baltis B b. 1856
Rusk, Belle b. circa 1872
Rusk, Caroline E b. 1850
Rusk, Charles b. circa 1851
Rusk, Charles S b. 1873
Rusk, Clyde b. 1892
Rusk, David b. circa 1831
Rusk, David b. circa 1833
Rusk, David L b. circa 1848
Rusk, Dott A b. 1889
Rusk, Earl H b. 1895
Rusk, Earl J b. 1888, d. 1964
Rusk, Elam b. circa 1870
Rusk, Elizabeth b. circa 1825
Rusk, Elizabeth b. 1841, d. 1922
Rusk, Elizabeth E b. circa 1847
Rusk, Emily b. circa 1849
Rusk, Frank b. 1885
Rusk, Harry B b. 1875, d. 1913
Rusk, Harry M b. circa 1902, d. 1977
Rusk, Harvey C b. 1865, d. 1937
Rusk, Hazel D b. 1892
Rusk, Homer E b. 1888
Rusk, Isaiah b. circa 1833
Rusk, James A b. circa 1844
Rusk, Jesse O b. 1883
Rusk, Jessie M b. 1890
Rusk, Joan b. 1836, d. 1927
Rusk, John b. circa 1847, d. 1899
Rusk, John A b. circa 1848, d. 1917
Rusk, John N b. circa 1835
Rusk, John T b. 1879
Rusk, Julia b. circa 1905, d. 1979
Rusk, Laura b. circa 1855
Rusk, Laura E b. 1887
Rusk, Leonard B b. 1889
Rusk, Louisa Frances b. 1862, d. 1934
Rusk, Lucy E b. 1887
Rusk, Margaret b. circa 1828
Rusk, Margaret b. circa 1829
Rusk, Martha b. circa 1842
Rusk, Mary b. circa 1897, d. 1928
Rusk, Minnie E b. 1895
Rusk, Minor b. circa 1895, d. 1977
Rusk, Nancy A b. circa 1837
Rusk, Nettie b. circa 1874
Rusk, Olive J b. circa 1859
Rusk, Orestes b. 1877
Rusk, Rilda J b. 1882
Rusk, Samuel G b. circa 1843
Rusk, Sarilda J b. circa 1835
Rusk, son2 b. circa 1834
Rusk, Susannah b. circa 1829
Rusk, Vance b. circa 1831
Rusk, William E b. 1899
Rusk, William James b. 1872, d. 1955
Rusk, William Jr. b. circa 1836
Russell, Elizabeth b. circa 1830
Rutherford, Nancy Anna b. 1868, d. 1929
Saum, John b. circa 1870
Scearcy, Mary b. circa 1822
Schnabel, Katherine b. circa 1896
Schuler, Stella H M b. circa 1897
Seavers, Emma b. circa 1873
Seely, Permelia b. 1831, d. 1911
Seevers, Abby Anna b. circa 1862
Seevers, Henry b. circa 1852
Seevers, James b. circa 1851
Seevers, John H b. circa 1858
Seevers, Mary E b. 1856, d. 1924
Seward, Lizzie b. 1866
Shaw, Orris b. 1918, d. 2010
Sheer, Mary b. circa 1856
Shelton, James E b. circa 1862
Shotts, Ira Augustus b. 1854, d. 1914
Shotts, Johanna b. 1886, d. 1964
Shotts, Ralph b. 1898, d. 1978
Shotts, Ruth Pauline b. 1898, d. 1971
Shrode, Ezekiel b. circa 1838
Shrode, Francis Jr. b. circa 1835
Shrode, Henry b. circa 1820
Shrode, Isaac b. circa 1819
Shrode, Rebecca b. circa 1835
Shrode, Sally b. circa 1832
Shrode, William b. circa 1823
Simms, Reginald L Jr. b. circa 1924, d. 1960
Simpson, Aileen M b. 1920, d. 2003
Simpson, America M b. circa 1853
Simpson, America Malinda b. 1831
Simpson, Charles Brady b. 1881, d. 1972
Simpson, Elijah S b. 1861, d. 1934
Simpson, Elizabeth S b. circa 1842
Simpson, Ethel Levella b. 1894
Simpson, James b. 1821, d. 1885
Simpson, James T b. circa 1857
Simpson, Mary M b. circa 1848
Simpson, Mary M b. circa 1855
Simpson, Nancy b. circa 1822
Simpson, Nancy b. circa 1850
Simpson, Rachel L b. circa 1851
Simpson, Sarah b. 1791, d. before 1861
Simpson, Sarah Ann b. circa 1827
Simpson, Sarah Elizabeth b. 1844, d. 1921
Simpson, ___6 b. between 1835 and 1840
Sirles, Mary A b. circa 1817, d. 1897
Skeeters, Daniel P b. circa 1831
Skeeters, Granberry b. circa 1841
Skeeters, James W b. circa 1845
Skeeters, Lucy A b. circa 1859
Skeeters, Martha b. circa 1829
Skeeters, Mary J b. circa 1853
Skeeters, Nancy b. circa 1837
Skeeters, Rebecca b. circa 1855
Skeeters, William b. circa 1857
Skeeters, Willis R b. circa 1832
Skelton, Ellen "Nellie" b. 1843, d. 1928
Skelton, Jacob b. circa 1848
Skelton, James William b. 1866, d. 1948
Skelton, John b. circa 1840
Skelton, Martha b. circa 1847
Skelton, Mary b. circa 1845
Skelton, Polina J b. circa 1852
Skelton, Ralph b. circa 1842
Skelton, William L b. circa 1832
Smith, Allie b. circa 1847
Smith, Bee b. 1894
Smith, Bernard b. 1893
Smith, Elizabeth b. circa 1846
Smith, Elizabeth b. circa 1851
Smith, Emma C b. circa 1868, d. 1886
Smith, Ida b. 1874
Smith, John b. 1846
Smith, John b. circa 1852
Smith, Louisa b. circa 1856
Smith, Marion Franklin b. 1887
Smith, Mary Jane b. circa 1865
Smith, Matilda J b. circa 1854
Smith, Priscilla Jane b. 1865, d. 1955
Smith, Stephen b. 1848
Snyder, Francis b. circa 1858
Snyder, James B b. circa 1876
Snyder, Mary b. circa 1860
Snyder, Perry b. circa 1856
South, Archibald b. circa 1845
South, George W b. circa 1824
South, Mary E b. circa 1848
Spillman, Sarah b. circa 1847
Stallings, Elisha b. 1880
Stallings, John W b. 1857
Stephens, Charlotte b. circa 1847
Stephens, James E b. 1856
Stephens, Margaret b. 1813, d. 1873
Sterne, J C W b. circa 1828
Sterne, John b. circa 1803, d. 1864
Sterne, Margaret Jane b. 1830, d. 1910
Sterne, Samuel b. circa 1826
Stevens, George N b. circa 1862
Stevens, James Stephen (Rev.) b. 1817, d. 1879
Stevens, Oliver P b. circa 1867
Stone, Alma b. 1892
Stone, Edford C b. 1862, d. 1936
Stone, Helen b. 1897
Stone, Hobart b. 1897
Stone, Rory b. 1888
Stone, Talbert b. 1886
Stout, Amos b. circa 1811
Stout, Amos Daniel b. circa 1840
Stout, David W b. 1847, d. 1848
Stout, Harriet b. circa 1843
Stout, Jasper C b. circa 1856
Stout, Julia A b. circa 1852
Stout, Laura L b. circa 1850, d. 1854
Stout, Martha J b. circa 1845
Stout, Mary Florence b. circa 1847
Stout, Mary M b. circa 1839
Stout, Sarah E b. circa 1842
Stout, Thomas b. circa 1854
Stout, William H b. circa 1811, d. 1869
Stout, William Jr. b. circa 1851
Straughn, Admiral b. circa 1872
Sumpter, Mary E b. circa 1848
Sutton, Henry b. circa 1837
Sweeney, Nancy Ann b. circa 1838
Taylor, Malinda Jane b. circa 1841, d. 1877
Taylor, Sarah b. 1826, d. 1880
Tennison, Mary b. circa 1818
Tennyson, Emily b. circa 1865
Thomas, David b. circa 1826
Thomas, Emeline b. circa 1843
Thomas, George W b. circa 1868
Thomas, James b. circa 1833
Thomas, John D b. circa 1841
Thomas, Lucretia b. circa 1825
Thomas, Margaret b. circa 1835
Thomas, Mary J b. circa 1843
Thomas, Miles W b. 1858, d. 1943
Thomas, Sarah E b. circa 1838
Thomas, William b. circa 1831
Thomas, William b. circa 1839
Thompson, James B b. 1826
Tredway, Susan b. 1839, d. 1908
Tremper, Albert A b. circa 1869
Tremper, Carrie b. circa 1910, d. 1996
Tremper, Cecil Otto b. circa 1906, d. 1945
Tremper, Champion Edward b. 1879, d. 1922
Tremper, Charles L b. 1911
Tremper, Eleanor b. 1912
Tremper, Ellen b. circa 1877
Tremper, Eugene H b. circa 1852, d. 1936
Tremper, John F. b. 1907, d. 1992
Tremper, John J b. 1875, d. 1962
Tremper, Julia b. 1872, d. 1873
Tremper, Loren b. 1903, d. 1974
Tremper, Lulu b. circa 1878
Tremper, Mary b. circa 1879, d. 1896
Tremper, Michael b. circa 1856
Tremper, Olive Antoinette b. circa 1845, d. 1910
Tremper, Priscilla Addie b. 1873, d. 1918
Tremper, Robert Morris b. circa 1913, d. 1978
Tremper, Shirley b. 1887, d. 1892
Tremper, Vernon b. 1914, d. 1994
Tremper, William b. circa 1859, d. 1944
Tremper, William C b. circa 1874, d. 1939
Tuley, Clarence J b. 1884
Tuley, Delbert S b. 1891
Tuley, Elizabeth Jane b. 1823, d. circa 1851
Tuley, James b. 1887
Tuley, John b. circa 1838
Tuley, Lillian b. 1900, d. 1900
Tuley, Nancy L b. circa 1834
Tuley, Nina Oakes b. circa 1904
Tuley, Raleigh R b. 1878
Tullis, Eloise J b. circa 1910
Tullis, Katherine H b. circa 1903
Tullis, Muriel L b. circa 1907
Tullis, Thelma G b. circa 1914
Tullis, William Samuel b. 1869, d. 1933
Underdown, Manuel b. circa 1899
Underdown, Myrtle b. circa 1902
Underdown, Orilla J b. circa 1900
Utley, Bradford b. circa 1852
Utley, Elizabeth b. circa 1832, d. 1911
Utley, Gilbert B b. circa 1853
Utley, James H b. circa 1854
Utley, Job b. circa 1834
Utley, John b. 1859
Utley, Joseph b. circa 1867
Utley, Lucy b. circa 1850
Utley, Martha b. circa 1834
Utley, Martha b. circa 1845
Utley, Mary b. circa 1838
Utley, Perry b. circa 1864
Utley, Rachel b. circa 1841
Utley, Rebecca b. circa 1839
Van Cleave, Flora E b. 1863
Vandaveer, Esther J b. circa 1830
Vandaveer, James Jr. b. circa 1830
Vandaveer, Joseph W b. 1834, d. 1909
Varner, Julia K b. 1901
Wade, Delia Ann b. circa 1866
Wade, Effie b. circa 1873
Wade, Isaac b. circa 1842
Wade, James E b. 1858
Wade, James J b. circa 1872
Wade, John A b. circa 1874
Wade, Martha J b. 1867
Wade, Ode b. 1889
Wade, Ott b. 1891
Wade, Polly S b. circa 1862
Wade, William S b. circa 1878
Walker, Clarence b. 1888
Walker, Emil b. 1890
Walker, John F. b. 1859
Walker, Nolen b. 1892
Wallace, Ettie b. circa 1884
Wallace, Mary b. circa 1843
Walls, Flora b. circa 1886
Walls, Peyton b. circa 1876
Waltz, Sarah Ann
Ward, Albert F b. circa 1843, d. 1916
Ward, Alva M b. 1897
Ward, Avanelle b. 1889
Ward, Benjamin b. 1869, d. 1936
Ward, Blanche b. 1894
Ward, Ellen M b. 1880, d. 1930
Ward, Ethel b. 1888, d. 1931
Ward, Harold b. circa 1909
Ward, Viena Isadora b. circa 1841, d. 1919
Ward, Zachary Taylor b. 1850
Wargel, Francis V b. 1924, d. 1925
Wargel, Vincent J b. 1889, d. 1975
Wasson, Sally b. circa 1801, d. 1863
Watkins, America b. circa 1841
Watkins, Anna b. 1886
Watkins, Bessie b. 1900
Watkins, Clinton b. 1863, d. 1920
Watkins, Edith b. 1893
Watkins, Finch b. 1890
Watkins, James b. circa 1858
Watkins, Mandala b. circa 1848
Watkins, Minnie b. 1888
Watkins, Paul b. 1897
Watkins, Robert C b. 1895
Watson, Catharine b. circa 1854
Watson, Cynthia b. circa 1848
Watson, Dailey Washington b. circa 1847
Watson, Hayden b. circa 1845
Watson, Jane b. circa 1853
Watson, Louisa b. circa 1835
Watson, Malissa b. circa 1850
Watson, Mary b. circa 1843
Watson, Nancy Jane b. circa 1838
Watson, Olivia B b. circa 1862
Watson, Rachel b. 1858, d. 1912
Watson, Samuel S. Jr. b. circa 1840
Watson, Susan Genevieve b. circa 1835
Weidner, Mary Ann b. 1826, d. 1892
Weir, Charles b. circa 1861
Weir, Eliza J b. circa 1859
Weir, George R b. circa 1868
Weir, John b. circa 1839
Weir, John Hazel b. circa 1865
Weir, Malinda E b. circa 1856
Weir, Mary E b. circa 1847
Weir, Matilda J b. circa 1851
Weir, Samuel b. circa 1841
Wellborn, David A b. circa 1840
Wellborn, Elizabeth J b. circa 1839
Wellborn, Mary F b. circa 1848
Wellborn, Samuel N b. circa 1842
Wellborn, Sarah A b. circa 1845
Wentzel, John b. 1854
Wessel, Frederick b. circa 1898
West, Abaline b. circa 1867
West, Alonzo b. circa 1854
West, Angeline b. circa 1860
West, Euphenia b. circa 1856
West, Jacob C b. circa 1831
West, John b. circa 1863
West, Serena b. 1857
Whitecamp, William b. circa 1874
Wilder, Charles b. 1871
Williams, Amanda b. 1876
Williams, Charles C b. circa 1840
Williams, Ethel b. 1880
Williams, Frank P b. 1884
Williams, Genevieve M b. 1877
Williams, George b. 1880, d. before 1900
Williams, Grace E b. 1890
Williams, Henry M b. 1821, d. 1894
Williams, Herbert b. 1877
Williams, Ida May d. 1910
Williams, Irene Jane b. 1844, d. 1928
Williams, James C. b. 1856, d. before 1894
Williams, John C b. circa 1840
Williams, Josiah b. circa 1852
Williams, Mary b. between 1877 and 1878
Williams, Maud A b. 1874
Williams, Rachel E. b. 1852, d. 1885
Williams, Robert D. b. 1855, d. 1942
Williams, Ross McDonald b. 1879
Williams, Susannah b. 1847, d. 1899
Williams, W. C. b. 1868
Williams, W. W. b. 1870
Williams, William A. b. 1844
Williams, William D Jr b. 1881
Williams, William D. b. 1849, d. 1882
Wilson, Case b. 1896
Wilson, David b. circa 1843
Wilson, Franklin b. circa 1841
Wilson, James b. circa 1837
Wilson, Jane b. circa 1845
Wilson, Julie b. 1898
Wilson, Louisa b. circa 1839
Winemiller, Allen b. circa 1841
Winemiller, Elizabeth Ann b. circa 1846
Winemiller, Hester A b. circa 1848
Winemiller, Jacob b. circa 1816, d. 1876
Winemiller, Jacob b. circa 1839
Winemiller, Jane b. circa 1856
Winemiller, John b. circa 1834
Winemiller, Lewis b. circa 1850
Winemiller, Louisa J b. circa 1843
Winnings, Benjamin Linnaeus b. circa 1842
Winnings, Elizabeth M b. circa 1834
Winnings, Henrietta b. circa 1844
Winnings, Kate b. circa 1847
Winnings, Margaret b. circa 1837
Winterath, Olivia b. 1890, d. 1962
Wire, Charlotte b. circa 1836
Wire, Daniel b. circa 1852
Wire, David b. circa 1842
Wire, Elizabeth b. circa 1856
Wire, Emily b. circa 1843
Wire, Fernando b. circa 1838
Wire, Flora F b. 1894
Wire, George W b. circa 1846
Wire, Jacob Pressley b. between 1849 and 1850, d. 1913
Wire, Jesse b. circa 1832
Wire, John b. circa 1814
Wire, John b. circa 1848
Wire, Lawrence b. 1897
Wire, Martha H b. circa 1862
Wire, Mary b. between 1852 and 1853
Wire, Mary L b. 1886
Wire, Matilda b. circa 1847
Wire, Melinda b. circa 1854
Wire, Nancy b. circa 1858
Wire, Pressley b. circa 1861
Wire, Robert b. circa 1846
Wire, Sally b. circa 1840
Wire, Sophia b. circa 1834
Wire, Tilden b. 1877
Wire, William b. circa 1840
Wire, ___1 b. say 1888, d. before 1910
Wire, ___2 b. say 1890
Wolfe, Katherine b. 1851
Wolfinger, James Arthur b. 1880, d. 1965
Wood, Lewis Edwin b. 1853
Woods, David H b. circa 1833
Woods, Edgar b. 1878
Woods, George W. b. circa 1847
Woods, Joseph R. b. circa 1838, d. 1927
Woods, Mary M. b. circa 1835
Woods, Nancy A. b. circa 1849
Woods, Rebecca M. b. circa 1841
Woods, Sarah E. b. circa 1835
Woods, Silas D. b. circa 1831
Woods, Susanna S.J. b. circa 1844
Woodward, Charley b. 1879
Woodward, Harry b. 1876
Woodward, Mora b. 1888
Woodward, William b. 1883, d. 1969
Wormsley, Arsulla b. circa 1844
Wright, Benjamin F b. circa 1847
Wright, Daniel b. 1878, d. 1879
Wright, Elizabeth b. circa 1849
Wright, Emma b. circa 1877
Wright, Lydia E b. circa 1849
Wright, Mary b. circa 1845
Wright, Mary Lane b. circa 1805
Wright, Nancy Emma b. 1853, d. 1926
Wright, Wayne b. 1881
Wright, ____ b. 1875, d. 1875
Yaryan, Clara b. circa 1853
Yaryan, Emeline b. circa 1830
Yaryan, Homer T b. 1842, d. 1928
York, Alice B b. circa 1859
York, Ambrose H b. circa 1856
York, Dorsey Mc b. circa 1852
Young, Blanche b. circa 1889
Young, George W. b. 1846
Young, John T. b. 1844
Young, Nelson b. circa 1833
Zuspann, Albert b. 1895, d. 1962
Zuspann, Amelia Ann b. 1882
Zuspann, Lydia b. 1890
Zuspann, Raymond b. 1899
Zuspann, William b. 1884
_____, Amanda b. circa 1864
_____, Angie B b. circa 1876
_____, Ann b. circa 1817
_____, Anne b. circa 1853
_____, Berlissa b. circa 1819
_____, Clara A b. circa 1841
_____, Eliza b. circa 1814
_____, Elizabeth b. circa 1830
_____, Goldine b. circa 1885, d. 1969
_____, Laura B b. circa 1853
_____, Lula C b. circa 1883
_____, Mary b. circa 1828, d. 1894
_____, Mary b. 1848
_____, Mollie b. circa 1873
_____, Nancy b. circa 1835
_____, Nancy Ann b. circa 1830, d. 1899
_____, Susan b. circa 1826
_____, ____ b. say 1816, d. before 1846
_____, ____ b. say 1850, d. before 1880